Well, the moment when it's time to turn 20, we miss being teenagers. We suddenly start to feel that we cannot make mistakes anymore, hurt anyone unintentionally, and even need to figure everything out as quickly as possible.
Well, life doesn't work the way we want it to. And I don't get it - how do we stop doing the things we did for the past 20 years of our lives, all of a sudden?
I don't exactly remember my 20th birthday, but I've collected a lot of memories, experiences, and learnings every year after that. From being naive, shy & introverted to finding confidence, building my personal brand, and developing courage, it's been a journey worth talking about.
My 20s have taught me things no one ever told me about. They go like -
Your heartbreaks will mend your heart: Funny, but true. Every heartbreak brings you closer to days when it doesn't hurt anymore.
People will always leave: People in your life will change, but then there'll also be people who'll stay. Keep them close.
Fixes exist within you: For majority of my 20s, I kept looking for external sources to fix me. Instead, I've now started to understand that we're enough to fix ourselves.
You won't be everyone's favorite: I loved being loved. Well, who doesn't? But the truth is if you've set out to do something, you won't be loved all the time. And, that's OK.
Your life will fall apart, multiple times: On days when things fall apart, there is something better waiting to be built for you. Trust the journey.
You'll find the strength within: I went from being not-so-brave to learning how to be brave every single day. It's a process, flow with it.
Self-belief goes a long way: I've realised that loving yourself, and believing that you deserve happiness makes you more at ease and brings peace.
Keep showing up: Life is never all the good. The in-betweens make us understand that just showing up on days when you don't feel like is progress, strength, and beauty, all at the same time.
There's still a lot that I've learnt, but this stays in my heart always. In my experience, no experience in life is ever a waste. You go through something to learn more, become stronger, and live life with a purpose and intention.
I hope your 20s are a memorable experience worth talking about.